Stanley is Offering Advice to His Nephew Freddie Mac March 7, 2021

 March 7, 2021

Me: Good morning Stanley! How are you doing? I see you are writing.
Stanley: Good morning! I am writing. You remember my sister Earlene and her two children, Freddie Mack and Sallie May, don’t you?
Me: <smiling> Yes, I do remember them, but I didn’t know Earlene’s children’s names. Freddy Mack and Sally May, huh? That’s funny! <grinning> Is Earlene involved with banking or finance?
Stanley: Yes, she is. How did you know? Aren’t those cute names? I love the little rascals. They sure are fun to play with.
Me: It was just a guess. And yay! I wondered if you got to see them and play with the kids. I bet you enjoy being an uncle don’t you Stanley?
Stanley: I really do! I wasn’t sure at first, but I’ve enjoyed getting to know my sister Earlene and having my family nearby. It’s been amazing and I’m having a lot of fun with the kids. They ask a lot of questions though. Sometimes,, embarrassing ones. lol
Me: <laughing> I know right? Kids say the darndest things . . . I think that’s a saying, isn’t it?
Stanley: It might be. I think it's true. Kids don’t seem to have a filter. That’s sort of what I’m writing about. I’m making a list of things I can teach little Freddie Mac about his frog heritage. You know, like things he should know. Earlene asked me to spend more time with him. She thinks he needs another adult presence in his life.
Me: Oh. That’s probably true and I’m guessing you’ll be a great help to them all. How old is Freddie now?
Stanley: He’s 2 years old in frog years. That’s a teenager in human years. He's like a 14-year-old. I remember my teens and those were tough. You know you think you’re almost an adult, but you really don’t have much experience yet to draw on. I think Earlene does need some help with those sweet kids. I’m going to try to be the BEST uncle ever!
Me: <Smiling Big> Stanley, I’m so proud of you and who you are. That’s a wonderful thing to do for Earlene and your niece and nephew. Can I see the list you’re working on? Maybe I can help.
Stanley: Well, I only have three things on it right now.
1. Look before you leap.
2. Make a splash!
3. Don't jump to conclusions.
Do you get it? I’m looking for things that are good life lessons but in frog terms.
Me: <laughing out loud> Yes! I get it. These are great Stanley! They are good ones for all of us to remember.
Stanley: Can you help me think of some more?
Me: Sure. How about “Don’t let the grass grow under your feet, hop on it!”
Stanley: <laughing> Yes! That’s a good one! Okay if I add it? Do you want to hear something weird?
Me: Sure.
Stanley: Earlene says Freddie Mac came home the other day worried. The other kids were teasing him because he doesn’t have any hair. Something about the saying “fine as frog hair”. Have you heard that one?
Me: Yes, I have. Sometimes when you ask someone how they are, they respond “I’m fine as frog hair”.
Stanley: That doesn’t make any sense though. Frogs don’t have any hair. We are sleek and smooth. I don’t get it. Who would have started that rumor?
Me: I’m not sure, but maybe that’s just it. You can’t get any finer that a frog with no hair, right?
Stanley: <smiling big> Oh, I get it! Thanks! That’s great! I’m going to share that with Freddie!
NOTE to Stanley’s FB friends: Stanley is hoping you can help him come up with more “frog life sayings!” He says he’ll send a special gift to the best one! Disclaimer: We may have to have a drawing since he thinks you’re all so smart they’ll all be the BEST!


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